The Aloe Guy- Aloes, Cacti, succulents
Qty |
Item ID |
Description |
Price |
S/H |
1 |
AP-1 |
aloe vera plant in 4" pot |
20.00 |
4.70 |
1 |
AYr-1 |
aloe vera plant 2 year old 12+ leaves, 24"+ across |
100.00 |
12.00 |
1 |
PP-L |
Prickly pear cactus 12"+ paddle, ready for planting |
25.00 |
5.00 |
1 |
E-1 |
Eve's Needle cactus 3" to 5" rooted cutting |
3.50 |
2.50 |
1 |
E-8 |
Eve's Needle cactus 8"+ rooted, year olds |
10.00 |
3.70 |
1 |
B-1 |
Barrel cactus 1" to 2" across, rooted cutting |
3.50 |
2.50 |
1 |
B-4 |
Barrel cactus 4" across, rooted 1 year olds |
10.00 |
4.70 |
1 |
Y-1 |
Adams Needle yucca 12" rooted cutting |
6.00 |
6.00 |
1 |
Y-3 |
Adams Needle yucca 3 foot 2 year old, rooted |
25.00 |
12.00 |
1 |
Y-5 |
Adams Needle yucca 5 foot plant, 2+ years old, rooted |
50.00 |
55.00 |
1 |
Night-blooming cerious, rooted cutting 6 inch leaf |
3.00 |
2.50 |
1 |
MM-3 |
1 Mother of Millions, 3 feet tall: dozens of baby plants |
12.50 |
4.70 |
1 |
Cactus mix |
1 Barrel Cactus, 1 Eve's needle, 1 Mother of Millions |
10.70 |
5.70 |
1 |
Bulk-AP-1 |
5 plants- aloe vera in 4" pots |
75.00 |
18.00 |
1 |
Bulk-E-1 |
5 Eve's Needle cactus 3" to 5" rooted cuttings |
12.70 |
8.00 |
1 |
Bulk-B-1 |
5 Barrel cactus 1" to 2" across, rooted cuttings |
12.70 |
8.00 |
1 |
Succulent-x |
!0 mixed cacti described above (aloe excluded) |
30.00 |
12.00 |
1 |
Bulk-mix-1 |
Any 3 of the yearling cactus plants (aloe excluded) |
35.00 |
12.00 |
1 |
Bulk-mix-2 |
any combination of 12 of the smaller cactus plants |
25.00 |
1 |
Discounts |
-3.00 on each additional item |
3.00 ea. |
~ |
Aloes have a shallow, spreading root system, so when it is time to plant, propagate, or repot choose a wide planter,
rather than a deep one. Use a planter with a drainage hole, or provide a 1-2 inch layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot
to ensure adequate drainage. I find terra-cotta pots are perfect for aloe because they don't retain the extra moisture that
could damage the plant, but, if you are careful not to over water any planter will do. When you pot your aloe offshoots, or
the main plant, use regular potting soil with a extra perlite, granite grit, or coarse sand added. You may also use a packaged
'cacti mix' soil. I have had success with a composted ‘cow manure’ product. Dampen the soil before potting. The
plant won’t require more water for a couple of weeks. Then pierce the soil with a fork, breaking up the hard surface,
down to about two inches. This allows the soil to better absorb the water. Water lightly until it comes out of dormancy in
the spring. Fertilize yearly, in the spring with a dilute (half strength). Aloes are propagated by removing the offsets which
are produced around the base of mature plants, when they are a couple inches tall (or larger). I usually let them get 4 to
6 inches. Aloe plants love bright sun, but will do fairly well in medium light as well. Allow the soil to dry between watering
and water less in the winter than in the warm months. They like being pot bound in my experience, and may be divided each
spring or before if you have a lot of baby plants in the pot. The aloe is a succulent plant, with leaves that can hold water
for long periods at a time. Too much water can rot the plant, and it would take the most severe drought to dry it out. The
plant's only other enemy is cold. It will do quite well next to a window with even minimal light, but it prefers bright, indirect
lighting. An aloe plant is a welcome friend in the kitchen. Potting aloe is a great children's project by the way. The
plants are easy to handle, and hardy enough for little hands to replant.